

Belloman #Chat Talk

General Chat

What have you acheived/done in the past 30 days Well, my crazy 35 day suspension is over, and it got me thinking, "What have I achieved/done in the past 30 days?" I personally prestiged 4 times in Blops, improved my grades, strung my tennis rackets, completed FF8 (I started before the 30 days, I just completed it within these past 30 days), got to disc 2 of FF9, and I've completed Golden Sun for the DS (same situation as FF8). Yes, I do have a life and yes, I have a lot of free time.

General Chat

Modern Warfare 2 was better than Black Ops I'm sick of Black Ops. MW2 had a variety of things you could do. You could go knife running, OMA noob tubing, and the riot shield. You could do well with any weapon. Heck, I even miss QSing. But Black Ops ruined it. To "balance" noob tubing, they added flak jacket and no bling/scavenger, and nerfed the range. To "balance" knifing they made getting marathon pro an absolute hell. You can't win without the famas, ak74u, or galil, you'll just be overpowered. And to top it all off, they made second chance one of the only good green perks. When I'm getting 7-9 assists a game you know something is wrong. There's plenty more I can whine about, but I won't. TL; DR version: MW2>BO, the

General Chat

Call of Duty news. Hello guys, according to the news on the site, the next MW will be co-developed by IW and Sledgehammer Games, not just Sledgehammer Games. This is the sad news. Because the PS3's masterkey(not sure if this is what you call it) codes have been broken, now MW, WaW, and MW2 have all been heavily modded. Anyone whose been playing recently on PS3 has probably noticed. What's even more sad? Activision has said that "they can't be fixed." In other words, Activision does not give a damn at all. Just thought I might say this, considering some of Basil likes CoD, yaknow?