

Biology #Evan Talk

General Evan

Any nice Evans in Khaini? So.. I've tried talking to different Evans in Khaini.. I was always under the assumption that the Evan community was a close.. nice group. I've looked on our forums and everyone seems really nice.. Just not in Khaini.. The only nice evan I've found in Khaini is e621. (Thanks for being nice <3) I've tried a few of the bigger names in Khaini and they just turn me away. So.. if you're out there.. add me please. My ign is Lionizing. I could use some nice friends <3

General Evan

Hit 70, lost motivation Hey there. I've played Maple from WAY back. I've always enjoyed leveling up the characters and seeing my new skills in action. Now, skills are all fine and dandy but one of my favorite parts is hitting 3rd job. I love it :3 It used to mean something and be special. Not so much anymore, but I still enjoy it a lot. Now, imagine me yesterday training away at Strong Stone Golems.. I'm level 69.. almost level 70. I'm getting pumped. Finally! I hit 70... and to my dismay nothing happens. My dragon doesn't grow, I don't get any new skills, I don't get to kill a clone, I don't get anything. This made me sad.. I used another golden temple ticket to get in and hopefully get a few levels and get my motivation back so I can hit