

BluePrint #Chat Talk

General Chat

This thanksgiving is going to suck So I'm making this thread to rant and leave my troubles here where it doesn't matter. To start off, my grandma is real sick and I got this paranoia feeling that she might be going soon. My moms job no longer exist so her company let her go. My dad is getting old and still working at a warehouse he's been at for all his life; he's also getting sick occasionally X_X. My closest cousins parents divorced after 16 years of marriage and now their family is scattered. To make matters worst, the closest person to me; my best friend, stopped interacting with me nor cares about me anymore. For everything that had happened, I put up the best fake happy image that I can; just to lie to myself and everyone else that ev

General Chat

When you miss someone do you think they miss you? Ever had a bond with someone you hardly had much time knowing? A bond where 2 people almost completely understood each other but never met before. Well, say these 2 people lived on opposite ends of the world and a greater force kept them from truly expressing themselves (or just oneself). Although their meeting was fated, the two of them had to part within a small amount of time; affections had to be held back because of differences in goals. A few years had passed since this meeting and the two of them have not had the chance to meet each other again. Their lifestyle may have changed and there may be some unfinished business but one of them begins to miss the other out of the ordinary and s

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