

BlueReborn #General Talk


Mount Glide Glitch? Hello, I just downloaded the 8th anniversary patch for Maplestory, and I'm not sure if this is just a problem with Evan's mount glide or also for other mounts (dragonoir?), but I noticed that when I glide by pressing the jump button, but then release it, I'm still gliding, but without the mount, so it looks like I'm floating while gliding. It gets kind of annoying cause I can't stop the glide, and it makes me go farther than I want. Is anyone else having this problem? or is it just me?


Gachapon Price Check Broa Hey guys, so I gambled with the marvel machine and got 35 gachapon tickets to gamble some more with, and I've used 25 so far and I think I've failed. Could anyone give me a P/C in Broa for the following items? 1. Permanent F1 Machine Mount Coupon 2. Mirrored Target 30 3. Falcon Dive 20 4. Majestic Presence 30 5. Retro Scooter-90 Day Mount Coupon (2x) 6. Permanent Croking Mount Coupon 7. Elemental Wand 3 (avg) 8. Crimson Arcanon (lvl 100 staff) 9. Hexagon Necklace 10. 3 Month Cat's Love Chair 11. 30 Day Dragon Egg Chair 12. Flying Assaulter 20 13. Spirit Link: Phoenix 20 14. Flying Assaulter 20 and a bunch of other random dark scrolls. None of them are really worth mentioning, so you think it's reasonable to sell 1m