

Bob11111 #Chat Talk

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Wage problem I have One time I did one on one with a friend for math. I teach my friend math for like 5 hours. Her mom offered me fifty dollars, but I told her forty is enough. When I got home and told my mom, she got so mad. She said I should get much more. My prep school boss said I should get 20 per hour from one on one. My mom agreed with my boss. So I called my friend's mom and told her my mom wants 20 an hour. So the next day my friend's mom gave me 60 bucks to satisfy my mom's demand. My friend's mom said my mom charges too much for my level of math. Apparently she hires a PHD in math at only 22 bucks each hour. Right now I work in a prep school every Saturday for 4.5 hours each day. My boss pays me 8 dollars each hour. I teach math

General Chat

Annoying arrogant kid There's a kid in my class who is so arrogant. In class when the teacher is moving onto a new topic, he somehow knows all about it. I asked him, "Did you learn this stuff before?" He said, "No." I asked him, "How you know it then?" He said, "I just know it." Is he implying he receives spontaneous knowledge? And he implies I'm stupid for not knowing stuff my teacher didn't teach. But how does he know this stuff if he never learned it before?

General Chat

Why am I so unlucky My life is so unlucky. I live in poor family and capitalism isn't helping out my hardworking parents. I am ugly (as confirmed by many people). That means I won't be accepted among the popular people since popular people are attractive in some way. I am stupid (I don't understand stuff I learn in school) so that means I won't be accepted among the people with high grades. I am socially awkward (which may be caused by my ugliness/stupidity) so that reduces my happiness even further. Why am I so unlucky?

General Chat

Why am I so unlucky My life is so unlucky. I live in poor family and capitalism isn't helping out my hardworking parents. I am ugly (as confirmed by many people). That means I won't be accepted among the popular people since popular people are attractive in some way. I am stupid (I don't understand stuff I learn in school) so that means I won't be accepted among the people with high grades. I am socially awkward (which may be caused by my ugliness/stupidity) so that reduces my happiness even further. Why am I so unlucky?

General Chat

How important is studying? I am a guy who never studies. It is so boring. Playing games and stuff is much funner than studying. I was talking to friend from high school and he said I need to start studying. He said if I studied in high school I could have went to better college. He said that the reason I get low grades is that I don't study. From my view, low grades are balanced out by the fun I have during the time I could be studying. He said if I want to have a good paying job, I must study, no matter the field. I said maybe there's a field that pays good and I don't need to study to become good at that field. He wished me good luck finding such a field. So how important is studying? I also have crappy memory so that is something against

General Chat

Was I too rude? So a guy was talking about how much he loves science to a group of friends, and I happen to like science too. So I say, "I like science too!" The guy was like, "Yea science woohoo!" and cheering. So the guy started talking about food webs and food chains. I hate biology. I like physics and chemistry, but hell no biology. So I said, "Hey you like science a lot right?" The guy said, "Yep." I said, "Do you know how to derive the formula for gravitational force?" He remained silent. The group of friends talked among themselves. I asked him again, "Do you know how to derive the formula for gravitational force?" He said, "I hate physics. I love only biology." I

General Chat

Annoying arrogant kid There's a kid in my class who is so arrogant. In class when the teacher is moving onto a new topic, he somehow knows all about it. I asked him, "Did you learn this stuff before?" He said, "No." I asked him, "How you know it then?" He said, "I just know it." Is he implying he receives spontaneous knowledge? And he implies I'm stupid for not knowing stuff my teacher didn't teach. But how does he know this stuff if he never learned it before?

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