

Bobjon #Xenon Talk

General Xenon

People arent actually complaining about the nerf are they? Correct me if I'm wrong, but the buff reduces a Xenon's dps by about 30-50%, right? Even with that Xenon are still ridiculously mobile, have great vertical and horizontal range, hit tons of monsters and are still ridiculously strong. To put it into perspective, at level 142 with only a 65k range and level 10 Mech Purge, Bombard is doing an average of around 1.5m damage to 12 monsters. Minus 30-50% and that's still incredibly strong for such a mediocre range. What exactly am I missing here?

General Xenon

Damage difference post nerf For whatever reason it wont let me edit my post in the topic I initially made; So here's a small break down of the pre to post nerf damage comparison: Old range with full Fuel, unbuffed: 109487-121551 New range with full Fuel, unbuffed: 74737-83042 [b]Max range difference: ~32%[/b] Old range with full Fuel, fully self buffed with level 10 MW and level 30 OOPA: 156892-174223 New range with full Fuel, fully self buffed with level 10 MW and level 30 OOPA: 99308-110343 [b]Max range difference with the above: ~36.7%[/b] Old level 10 Mech Purge Bombard: 325%x4 @ 12mobs New level 10 Mech Purge Bombard: 284%x4 @ 8mobs Pretty significant, but it's basically what we figured I suppose :-/

General Xenon

Which Special Mastery Book Should I Choose? Currently level 139, and finally accrued enough 8th ani leaves from the Town Boxes for the Special Mastery Book. I may eventually pump some mesarz into my Xenon for fun, but honestly it isn't even really necessary considering how ridiculously strong Xenon is even with minimal funding. As of right now I haven't bought any books, don't really plan to any time soon so I have a completely unbuffed range of 59.9k and all the 4th job skills at 10, except Beam Dance is 20 and Expert is 30. Given all that, which skill would be the most advantageous to max? Thanks.