

Boomdingy #Shade Talk

General Shade

Ign Give Away [ Note: Updated 11:52 BT ] Hi I'll be giving away some of my old IGNs that I dont want anymore, If you want one of the IGNs listed below PM me the IGN , and what time you would like it to be unlocked ( BT Time only ) [header]List Of IGNs[/header] - CardRunner - DoubleRunner - Malcolrn ( meant to be malcolm ) - Drulte - Rellenia - StupidTramp - Leichhardt - NumberCount - iambestpony - ReneRhyme - RedditAliens - Meowingly - Boomdingy - BitBoom - Petersham - Swestlee - Breimm - Stormance - Crxd - Reimjo - NECROPHILIA ( both of the I's are lower case L's ) - Steamanex - NovanWing - MINCERAFT - totallyjet [header] MORE [/header] - Baeloon ( I capitol i ) - Syndrique - Baecause - NotYourBae - BaettleMage - Rust1v1 - Baecoming - Baet