

BornNew #Darkknight Talk

General Darkknight

Final Pact and Gollux I have started doing hard gollux daily and I usually die 2 times before he dies. All of my previous runs doing hard gollux, I have not lost any exp from him. But recently I have started to lose exp from gollux. In my past runs I had final pact up for gollux's second form which means I can tank the first OHKO but not the second (it would require 6 minions to go towards the middle instead of 5), this did not lose me any exp. But if my final pact is in CD I would die on the 5th count which made me lose 5%. I am curious if any Drk is experiencing the same thing that final pact is saving you from losing exp or if there is a certain exp percentage before you start losing exp.