BowmanChris #General Talk


Im Back With a Merching Guide Hello all basilers, I will introduce myself by saying that, my name is Christian but I liked to be called "C". Yes, just the letter C. I have played maplestory since pre-fourth job, and I am now returning from a 3 month hiatus. To get back into this game, I've brought along a merching guide. *NOTE* If you're looking for a get rick quick guide this is not your guide. I shouldn't even be classifying this as a guide because I lack the knowledge of prices in almost ever aspect, but that's alright. This guide is going to get me back on track, and I will follow through no matter what. I will post the videos every night whether I have 100 viewers or 1,000 viewers, in my mind atleast one view is good enough.


Banned for Youtube Channel Hello basilmarket! I'm posting this thread today referring to the ban I received last night. I make youtube videos for maplestory, and I have a shop mule thats on 24-7. For the last several weeks I've been posting my shop name as "" I've seen many other people have their shop names like this and I recieved a ban for this. Although the ban is only for two days, I'm wondering if I should make a ticket or not! Tell me what you guys think!


A New Start Follow my latest Journey Hello Basilmarket Community! Long time, no posts! If you do remember me from a couple of months back, I've tried to become a "Celebrity" in the basilmarket, maple, and youtube communities. I've attempted to start several exciting youtube series, commentaries etc. Although my many attempts, it seems i'd been focusing on the wrong things during my videos and such. As I said one sentence earlier, I was more worried about how cool my character looked, how much damage I put out, etc. I've decided to push through one more attempt at actually enjoying the game of Maplestory and creating Youtube videos for all of you to watch. I've tried methods such as: 0 funding, 10k nx funding, new character, etc. A

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