Bowmasterss #Dualblade Talk

General Dualblade

Annoyed by the new DBs Hello, Basil Market. I would just like to share my (short) story. I know I'm a little late with this but I didn't realize it until now, I guess. Ever since the DB revamp, I'm just feeling a lot weaker than before the revamp, even though I got stronger. And the reason is: All the new DB's. All the new DB's with all their godlys. I have a ~60k range buffed, on my Lv 200 DB, and all these guys cry because they're weak when they say they [i]just[/i] have a ~120k range. I mean.. :/ why can't everyone just be satisfied with what they have? I was considered good BEFORE the revamp, now people laugh at me. A few weeks ago a lv 140 db laughed at my range. ._. wth. ok, I'm relieved now, thanks, bye.