

Braviary #Fashion Talk

General Fashion

My Brawlers Colors [url=]Picture[/url]. So, which one? I know my current isn't that special still running around with default eyes. I did not put an outfit on because I know it will change all the time. The first avatar is a warmish thing, the second one is a semi-realistic, and the third is kind of like a mermaid look (I think mermaids have blue hair to hide in the sea, but I'm just weird).

General Fashion

Names For My Beran Bowman Trombonette [F] Saxiest [M] *Stalinism [M] *Postverta [F] (I may dismiss this one due to too much transferring) *Hibernacle [M] *Real Words Trombonette is a slang band term for female trombonist. Saxiest means "the most saxy". Saxy is a slang band term for describing attractive saxophonists. Postverta is the Roman goddess of the past. Stalinism is the ideology and policies adopted by Stalin. Hibernacle is a place where an animal hibernates like a bear in a cave.

General Fashion

First Avatar in Months [url=]Here[/url] is the completed image. The semi-torn dress is supposed to represent the American Revolution and the birdie is supposed to be that tiny bald eagle statue on the top of some U.S. flags. I only added thirteen stars because of laziness and to represent the original flag. So, I made it look dusty and dull to look older for the picture. I also hate bright colors on MS avatars. This image was edited in Paint.Net. Criticism and is welcome. Here are the images a long the way: [url=]Before minor BannedStory editing (colors, positioning, etc

General Fashion

First Avatar in Months [url=]Here[/url] is the completed image. The semi-torn dress is supposed to represent the American Revolution and the birdie is supposed to be that tiny bald eagle statue on the top of some U.S. flags. I only added thirteen stars because of laziness and to represent the original flag. So, I made it look dusty and dull to look older for the picture. I also hate bright colors on MS avatars. This image was edited in Paint.Net. Criticism and is welcome. Here are the images a long the way: [url=]Before minor BannedStory editing (colors, positioning, etc

General Fashion

My Brawlers Colors [url=]Picture[/url]. So, which one? I know my current isn't that special still running around with default eyes. I did not put an outfit on because I know it will change all the time. The first avatar is a warmish thing, the second one is a semi-realistic, and the third is kind of like a mermaid look (I think mermaids have blue hair to hide in the sea, but I'm just weird).

General Fashion

In The Style of Braviary [b]EDIT: PUT INTO FASHION CORNER[/b] This is an "Ask Braviary" thread with a reason of why I make my avatars the way I do so I don't have to answer that question. I'm pretty weird; I know that. Most of my avatars lay on the boundry between unique and stupid. My colors are dull and dusty, but they usually show something that is meant to look old or dusty. My inspiration for these odd creations is short-lived. I'm going to stop elaborating now and get to the point. My avatars usually have: - under saturated things - -45 saturated pale skin - Female-ness - Yellow - Repositioning - Stupidity - Lack of Creativity - Strange Symbolizing that People Cannot Comprehend and Mark as Unmatching The [url=http://i901.pho

General Fashion

In The Style of Braviary [b]EDIT: PUT INTO FASHION CORNER[/b] This is an "Ask Braviary" thread with a reason of why I make my avatars the way I do so I don't have to answer that question. I'm pretty weird; I know that. Most of my avatars lay on the boundry between unique and stupid. My colors are dull and dusty, but they usually show something that is meant to look old or dusty. My inspiration for these odd creations is short-lived. I'm going to stop elaborating now and get to the point. My avatars usually have: - under saturated things - -45 saturated pale skin - Female-ness - Yellow - Repositioning - Stupidity - Lack of Creativity - Strange Symbolizing that People Cannot Comprehend and Mark as Unmatching The [url=http://i901.pho

General Fashion

Palm Tree Face Should I get [url=]Hypnotized[/url] when I receive my log out gift or something else? Hypnotized covers the forehead. My character currently has blue Female One and blue Palm Tree from the coupons. Others I'm considering: Innocent - high enough to cover forehead Compassion's Countenance - not sure why, but this choice is pretty popular with Palm Tree and looks pretty nice.

General Fashion

Palm Tree Face Should I get [url=]Hypnotized[/url] when I receive my log out gift or something else? Hypnotized covers the forehead. My character currently has blue Female One and blue Palm Tree from the coupons. Others I'm considering: Innocent - high enough to cover forehead Compassion's Countenance - not sure why, but this choice is pretty popular with Palm Tree and looks pretty nice.

General Fashion

Huge Ign Problem I'm naming my Phantom Hydriad. How good is this IGN? Rate out of ten. I want to make a male Phantom, so can Hydriads be male? Anyways, which world? Here are your choices: Scania - I got Luk stuff on my hermit. I have close to no friends. The only person I talked to on purpose in Scania lately is jellyxox. Bera - My brother plays here, I have a Fluonia (Jett) over here, and possibly Windia - Most mesos here with 3 million (hacked in Scania :c). and possibly from my BL still play.

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