

Brenny #Updates Talk

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Is hybrid still the way to go after BB? +skill questions K. I know there's a lot of threads about stuff like this, but I've been reading and whatnot, and I'd like to know for sure what I should be doing with my 47 spearman. So far I've been going hybrid with him, but I heard that FA will work with crusher and fury. Is that true? Because if it is (and I end up needing FA) then I could no longer be hybrid, as I'd need to switch out skills for it. That brings up the question on if I would have to start over or not. Spears are 4th job+ and PA's are used up until then, so right now I have PA mastery and booster, but if I need FA then I would want it for spears. Also, I know masteries and boosters are being combined, but is FA being combined into