BulletCakes #Nightlord Talk

General Nightlord

Are NLs Non-existent? Hello Basil Community. I'm just wondering why there has been such a huge drop in NL's and Sins in General. I understand that the new classes came out, but NL's seem to be non-existent now. Just like my WH. I expected to at least see some NL's, but I haven't seen many in the past few days. I understand there have been some threads about this, but will NL's be expecting a revamp anytime soon which might boost our popularity? I enjoy playing my Hermit, who is level 98 right now, (been lazy to train) and it makes me a bit sad to see no other Assassins running around. I quite enjoy playing a scarce class though, but I'd like to see some NL's running around at least.