

CaLisMe #General Talk


Ch1 FM's Extreme Lag Ever since several patches back, channel 1 free market has become unreasonably laggy. Never before has this happened to me prior... Note that this is in Khaini. In addition, I noticed that on the minimap, ALL characters in the map are displayed no matter your position. For example, if I'm on the highest platform (fm18-22), I can still see everyone down below. (fm1-6) Anyone else have this free market issue? I am not unable to make a 'maple'-living (lol) to fund myself after my recent semi-getting-hacked-O_O Is it just me, or is it Maplestory? Know that I was able to navigate the free market perfectly prior to, I think, the WH patch or Big Bang. This is not due to the recent 'crash.' This problem existed for several patc


Finally Got Hacked Quititng. Meh. It was about time. I guess this was the thing that made it happen. o.o Thing is, the hacker only took my wand/shield/shoes/earrings/chair/rings. He left my other chars intact </3 Only stripped my mage (minus my overalls cuz it was hidden under cash?) :/ Which means I'm left with about 2b worth of stuff to donate to my little brother, YAY :D 6 years of Maple, and now it's over... OH WELL. [b]NOTICE: If anyone see's an 180matk 2 enhance 3L Unique Elewand8 tagged Razru in Khaini..& a 12att 9% int <Last Unwelcomed Mag Shield.. They're mine >_<[/b] [url=]The wand befor 2 enhancements[/url] [url=

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