

Celyfaye #Art Talk

General Art

The Doodle Thread I'm not sure how well this thread will do, since the idea is a bit weird, but here goes. I created this thread because I've recently been stuck on inspiration, and I'm looking for some. I also realized that not many people want to post half-butt-ed sketches or scribbles, so I figured here's the place. It'd be fun seeing what people do when theyre bored and just feel like drawing something random for the heck of it ^_^ it'd also be fun seeing the responses people will have to your moments of carefree, artful bliss. [url=http://i996.photobucket.com/albums/af90/JenniiixD/07967053.jpg]random faces[/url] [url=http://i996.photobucket.com/albums/af90/JenniiixD/a85a3f52.jpg]quite ugly, but i like it a lot for some reason[/url] [ur