

Celyfaye #Warrior Talk

General Warrior

Are Dark Knights strong Soo there have been a lot of threads on this. I'm kind of tired of misinformation and damage charts pulled out from people's crap holes, so I'm going to say this to clear things up, even though this will either 1) do absolutely nothing, 2) be trolled on, 3) cause people to get mad at me then others for disagreeing, 4) be filled with people with false class pride ranting on and on about how Drks are "DA B0MB" and "SUP3R STR0NG" and "D4M4GE M0AR AT PINK BEN", 6) get me in trouble since I'm supposed to be doing homework, and my dad is super silent when he walks, 7) get me suspended :[, or all of the above. Dark Knights aren't the strongest out of all 3 warriors (sorry Arans). In fact, we ar