CheapMerchant #Firepoisonarchmage Talk

General Firepoisonarchmage

A seemingly impossible gap Range Hi Everyone, I just recently rejoined my FP and I'm finally committed to making this a main that i pursue and play with. I've started to fund it, but I honestly have no idea where to start. I'm hoping the FP archmage community can help me out. Currently my FP is lv 158, and has the following: 1. 404 matt 120 int Faf Staff with 15% matt and 6% total damage Potential. 2. 12% int tempest ring 3. 14% int Mask (this is actually 30 att 14% all stat, but only relevant portions are the 14%) 4. Other superfluous things, such as, Perfect absolute Belt, evo rings, some random gloves + earings with 4-6% int each. 5. clean faf set. (temporary) Does anyone have any suggestions on where i should start? At the moment I'm a