CheapMerchant #Thief Talk

General Thief

Hp of Pre-Red Characters Hi everyone, I just rejoined after 3 years and alot has changed in maple. I noticed that my Shadower (now job changed to Night lord, and probably later into DB to try them all out), Has absurdly low amounts of HP at Lv 135, compared to other people. I really want to Play my thief (not sure which job yet, suggestions anyone)? But I feel compelled to restart a character if my HP is so much lower than everyone else post-red. (P.S I leached my Shadower from like lv 110-130 over a night and didn't get job change until morning, if that might've affected things :o) I will Post my HP, Item-less at each job at level 135, if anyone could give me an estimate if that's below the average or any way to find out if my HP is below