CheeseDude17 #Thunderbreaker Talk

General Thunderbreaker

Choosing between Thunder Breaker and Mechanic I'm having trouble deciding which one I want to keep. As a TB I get to spam Sharkwave, which is just badass, and as a Mech I get cool skils, siege mode, and they just have nice dmg output. However, I only want to play one pirate character and I can't decide which one I should hold onto. Furthermore, my mech has lvl 6 smithing but my TB gives my WH main lvl 9 empress blessing while my mech only gives me lvl 4 blessing. I can't decide although I'm leaning more towards the TB because getting lvl 6 smithing again shouldn't be too hard and the higher level blessing. But still, Mechs are soooo cool rofl. I'm torn. What do I do? P.S. I made another thread because I didn't get any responses to my other