

ChibiFever #Chat Talk

General Chat

Need your constructive criticism I am working on [url=]this.[/url] I've been working on it for hours and can't notice the many mistakes now. I am almost done, I simply didn't have the time to finish shading the skin and cleaning up the outline completely as I'm going to sleep now. What do you guys recommend I alter/fix? I dislike the eyes.. should I make them larger? Change the position? Etc.. I am planning on making a background of patterns, but if you have a better idea I'd really appreciate it if you shared it. Just share whatever bugs you or something that can make the drawing more interesting/good-looking. Thanks in advance! :) I'll be checking back in the [my]

General Chat

Ideas for goodbye gifts A friend of mine is leaving (female) and organizing a party at her house. I'd like to make my parting gift something cute and unique. I am planning on making a kitten out of wool [she has 2 cats] but that is not enough. I need some ideas from you guys! I live in Europe so sadly I can't get hands on all those American goodies. I am planning on also making a batch of [url=]these.[/url] Have any better (easy) home made sweets ideas or something else I can make? Please give me some inspiration! :)

General Chat

How to stop hating someone? I hate some people. I just [b]hate[/b] them. Especially my classmate. I have 5 male classmates, and 1 other female. She is a dork. She lies about me, probably because she is an outcast and I'm more popular than her. She tries to get attention by messaging people, camwhoring (while looking terrible) and acting tough over the internet. She pisses me off, her stupidity is so damn annoying. I tend to be kind, I really love my friends. However, I really hate this girl and want to hurt her. But at the same time I don't. I don't want to be a grouchy asshole. How can I stop hating people like her? I want to push her out of my life, but I can't as I go to a very small school. [b]ARGH[/b]

General Chat

How long can you last watching this clip? How long can you last watching [url=]this?[/url] Don't cheat! There's a timer on the website. For those that are suspicious, it's just a gif of people in costumes dancing and an annoying "lalalalalalalalalalalala" song in the background. I've been watching for over 10 minutes now. I cheated though, and looked away for some time. ]: Warning: side effects may include headaches and frustration.

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