Chocoholica #General Talk


I am dirt poor and I need some advice on how to make money Hi I'm a level 134 Bishop and recently I spent so much money trying to buy eqp for my lukless bishop. I used to have 150m or so and I swear that was the richest I have ever gotten and then I blew up my meso to buy all sorts of craps like epic wand and stuff, ring, and earrings.... T-T Now my money is down to 2m and I really need some serious, compassionate advice on how to make some money? I tried to sell all my chairs but the only chairs I have are Pink Zakum and Under the Maple Tree... I don't know if this will help at all but I'm level 10 accessory crafting (too poor to spend money on recipes) and level 9 mining. I once tried to use a recipe and for some reason when I double clic


I think I want to stop attacking In LHC, every single party I see, the bishop hangs on the rope and basically leeches the entire party. I would ask them, How come you aren't attacking? And they would say I am a bishop so I'm weak. And still every single party member treats those leeches like gems. Now I feel like I should start leeching in LHC just because I know I won't be hated for doing that... I feel like I've wasted so much HP and MP attacking all the time when in fact I will be treated the same as someone that just leeches </3 </3 </3 </3 :~( :~( :~( :~(


Getting to 200 is so hard My bishop is now 150 and LHC doesn't give me enough exp than I want it to. How did u amazing folks level up to 200? What can I do to level fast? Solo training (at Leafre skulls for ex) gives me almost no exp at all... any tips and advices? Edit: I DO NOT leech, I attack and HS at the same time cuz I get way more exp when I attack. *Thanks to all of you who gave me an advice (but no thanks to people accusing me of leeching and complaining). I shall now close the thread.