

Chongo55 #Gms Talk

General Gms

My Nova Plan: Well, I've decided to make some stuff on nova when it's released (anything less crowded than Scania...) and I think I know what I'm going to do: 1: Make a DW and start merching WG's to get money 2: Level that DW all the way and make a UA (I have no idea which yet) 3:When I get the UA to a decent level I'll probably train the DB (which I didn't mention) that I made for the mastery books. 4: I'll make sure to make a Sair to get to level 70 for the Dana and the awesome free stuff 5: MERCH MERCH MERCH! (I'll just make lots of mechs and do GFA quests). Well that's it... Rate my plan and help me pick a UA.