Chrisonmale #Xenon Talk

General Xenon

Guideish Sw Set Vs Fafnir Set, Which one will win? First time trying for "guideish" thing Everything is scrolled with Prime Scrolls SW Glove, shoes and cape are transmuted from 15 star thief tyrants, so stats will depend how it they were scrolled etc. I've made the stats a bit under what they were on equips that i looked (ex. + 115 dex and + 119 luk from tyrant gloves, made it +115 to both) Table Of Contest: 1. Set Effects 2. Comparing 3. Conclusion 4. Prices [b]1. Set Effects:[/b] [b]SW:[/b] 2 set: all stats + 25 w.att +20 3 set: all stats +75 w.att +35 4 set: all stats +95 w.att 48 5 set: w/m.def + 100 acc + 330 avoid +130 6 set: +20% maxhp/mp w/m.def + 200 30% dmg to bosses [b]Fafnir:[/b] 2 set: +20 main and secondary stat +100