ChuckNastee #Nightlord Talk

General Nightlord

How can I figure out what Claw would be good My Hermit is level 90. It is currently equipped with a 46 atk, 6 slot Pyrope (one 20% landed on a 39 atk clean). I don't want to scroll it anymore because I fear I will just screw it up, but I'm looking to get a claw with higher attack. However, the Pyrope has a faster attack speed and that must be important. I'm wondering what I can do to figure out how much attack I would need on a new claw (like a Red Craven) to beat out the 46 atk on the Pyrope. I do have a 49 attack clean Red Craven. If it's reasonable to beat out the Pyrope by scrolling it, I might do that. I'm not looking to spend more than 200m.