Classicvibe #General Talk


Returning to Our Roleplay Roots I know that RP is a bare, trampled, starved, crushed, boiled, frozen, scarred scrap of fur in Maplestory, but I wish people would pay more notice to it. Whenever I see someone drawing comparisons between classes or trying to choose a new character, they see past the character's ideology and simply look at damage. "OMG WHAT IS THE BEST WARRIOR?" "UBER DMG PLZ" And yes, I know, nowadays class skills are so recycled that IMO the only difference between some classes are literally just the animations. But, have you ever played a class or chosen one because of the Roleplay? Say, the holy Bishop that keeps everyone in the party alive, even after death. (even though he dies after Czak dispels Magi


Anyone Miss Temple of Time I remember that pre-BB ToT was generally a popular place to train, with the exception of BFs and Skeles - But what I enjoyed most about it was the ambience of the area, with clouds in the distance and a nice sparkly temple map to train in. The music for ToT was also great as well, in comparison to most other Maple BGMs, really calm and soothing. Now that ToT is pretty much toast, all we have is LHC, some dark depressing place with snow, overcast clouds, and ugly fat bears sitting on crocs attacking us, with music out of some crappy 1960's Frankenstein movie. Would you want Nexon to bring back ToT as a relevant training area? The mere fact that I have to train at LHC is a much bigger deterrent than 10 hour+ levelin