CrownedGuilty #General Talk


How to increase my phantoms range with 1b? my phantom is lvl 155 & dexless I have 1bill in pure mesos, and my phantom's range is 13005 ~ 16256 buffed. My current equips are. raven persona 10/20/20/10 +5 W.Att Sweet first love 3/3/3/3 Traveler's Wing glasses 2/2/2/2 Lvl 40 top 4% luk lvl 80 pants lvl 90 shoes 3% luk +1 w.att horntail necklace 22/22/22/22 +12dex pot lvl 40 belt 4% luk 10 att wg 2% luk cape 6% luk earrings crusader shoulder 1/1/1/1 +1 w.att ABR Evo Ring III lvl 10 Platinum cross ring 3/3/3/3 +1 w.att Epinea's ring 2/2/2/2 +1 w.att Dragon peurmancie 2/2/2/2 110 w.att pot: 3% all stats, +12 luk carte finale +12 luk, +12 att silent crusade champion medal 5/5/5/5 +1 crusader codex 2/2/2/2 with 1b how can i increase my range ?

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