Cthulhusama #Battlemage Talk

General Battlemage

Post-Union Battle Mage Guide [header=top][b]Battle Mage Guide[/b][/header] Right so I've never written a formal guide before but I was bored and I figured since none of the Battle Mage guides on Basil are even updated for Chaos yet it doesn't seem likely they will update for Union either. Besides we are probably going to get SP resets and it would be nice to know how to allocate my SP and if I am going to go through the trouble of doing the research I might as well share my findings with the rest of the community. Hopefully they don't go ahead and change BaMs again the day after I post this. Anyway on to the actual guide. First off will be my recommendations for SP assignment. Okay it should be as up to date for Rise Against as it can be (g

General Battlemage

Where to train other than LHC So I don't really like training at LHC. The XP is pretty crappy solo and I don't usually feel like partying. I know that it is by far the best place to train but I was wondering what the 2nd best place would be at my lvl. Also right now I get like 90% of my XP from papping and hunting other bosses (mostly Anego and Black Crow so far) and I was wondering If it would be possible for me and my wife (lvl 120 Evan) to duo Zaks arms for XP (and so she can get magic mastery)? And how long would it take if we could do it? If we can't then what lvl would we have to be? We both have fairly average ranges. Maybe 20% int each and so-so equips. Edit: Just to clarify I meant we both have 20% int total not that all of our

General Battlemage

Elemental Wands Suck I have been searching the FM for a nice 130 Matk 3 line E staff for between 300-350mil for a while now and I came to one conclusion. I HATE elemental wands. Seriously. I searched every single FM and only found 2 Ele staves. They were both insanely overpriced (like 300mil for a clean one and 1.3bil for an ok one). But I did manage to find an Elemental WAND in almost every single room. Sometimes I would find 3 or more in ONE room. Every time I saw one (and for some reason a lot of them were for 250-350mil) I would get happy for a second before feeling crushed again. I really need that staff...

General Battlemage

Important new finding about Bb So at the request of I've been testing if BB adds 2 or 3 total speed to your attack and the results of my tests seem to show that it actually adds 3 total. So the +2 in the description is actually in addition to the +1 from the base AYA. So basically once we can have BB on 100% of the time there isn't as much reason to use an Ele. With any other staff we will be attacking at Faster 3 which is only an 8% DPM difference which is actually not as hard to make up for with higher Matk. So yeah. After we get our Hyper Skills we can basically use any staff. Ele will still be nice but no longer the only option. The extremely high base matk of the 163 ones will still make those the weapon of choice for those who can get

General Battlemage

Combat Orders is not working right on my BaM So me and my Paladin friend were hanging out and I wanted to see how far my Magic Defense would go if he used CO on me (since I have max Energize) but when he used it in on me I noticed that not only did my Wdef, Mdef, and HP go DOWN but so did my Damage Range. I sent a ticket to Nexon about this because I think that CO screws with the passive effects of our skills. So ADA going to lvl 32 should give me +2 Matk but I think it gives -2 Matk for some reason since my range goes down. Same thing with Energize. As a side note the active effects of ADA seem to still be boosted by CO as my dmg range with CO and ADA on is higher than just with ADA. This would be expected as lvl 32 ADA is 21% dmg instead

General Battlemage

Oddity about Ada Dot So in doing RLH so much these past weeks I noticed something odd. When fighting Busker (the Spirit of Rock rip-off) whenever he would use his Phys Guard I would see "1" pop up every so often. When he used Magic Guard I would see an occassional fairly large number. Sometimes it would just be 1 number but other times it would be two or even three lines. Long story short I think it is the DOT from ADA. I think it is registering as physical damage instead of magical like FB. I was hoping some of the stronger BaMs could test at other bosses (I don't fund my BaM so she can't even solo Zak and I don't feel like wasting an EoF just for this and most weaker bosses don't use those skills) and wanted to know if anyone el