Cthulhusama #Warrior Talk

General Warrior

How come 2H Sword GM scrolls dont exist in FM anymore I've been looking for some cheap 2H Sword GM scrolls the past few days and there are none every time I look in FM or 4 out of the 5 times I used an Owl. The one time the Owl showed results there was exactly one 2H Sword GM scroll and it was for almost 1bil which seems excessive to me. I figured they wouldn't be too expensive to get as most people use 1H swords and I know that they were only 250mil around 2-3 weeks ago (when I was broke of course...). There were two basil auctions for them that were going for around 300mil that both just suddenly dissapeared even though they had hours left on them earlier today too.

General Warrior

P/C on 2H sword GM scroll and 1H BW GM scroll So I have one spare 2H sword GM scroll leftover from scrolling my ST (cheapest GM scrolls in MTS were sold in packs of 10 but they were cheaper than buying 9 at the regular prices) and also have a 1H BW GM scroll I got myself from GT. I was considering keeping it because it is the only GM scroll in all of Maplestory that I 100% know for sure isn't duped but then I realized I really don't have any plans on scrolling a BW. Ever. So yeah. Figure I can sell them to better equip my Hero but I have no idea on prices.

General Warrior

P/C on 2H sword GM scroll and 1H BW GM scroll So I have one spare 2H sword GM scroll leftover from scrolling my ST (cheapest GM scrolls in MTS were sold in packs of 10 but they were cheaper than buying 9 at the regular prices) and also have a 1H BW GM scroll I got myself from GT. I was considering keeping it because it is the only GM scroll in all of Maplestory that I 100% know for sure isn't duped but then I realized I really don't have any plans on scrolling a BW. Ever. So yeah. Figure I can sell them to better equip my Hero but I have no idea on prices.

General Warrior

Price of a 32 attack Lionheart Bracer? So once I manage to sell my 10% dex Specs I am planning on upgrading my gear. I was thinking of either getting some more GM scrolls and finishing off my VL gloves or going for the gold and getting a fully scrolled 32 attack Lionheart Bracer. I have more than enough dex to equip it right now anyway. Then I realized I don't know how much one of those would cost and if I could even afford one. So yeah. I need a P/C on one of them. Preferably for Windia although any world's price is somewhat useful.

General Warrior

P/c Lionheart Scimitar So I bought a lionheart Scimitar (the 2H sword) with the intention of scrolling it using the 20% scrolls and the Clean Slates from the renegade shop and reselling it for a profit. Well shortly after I bought it they nerfed Pzak, then Pzak ended, and now Jett farming doesn't work either. So it's a lot harder to get as many of the scrolls as I would need so I wanted to know how much it is worth now and how much it would be worth after if I were to finish it. So right now it has 4 slots used, 4 free, unhammered and 157 atk. If I finished it it would have 8 slots used, 0 free, unhammered and 177 atk. 2 line crap pot either way. Unfortunately.

General Warrior

Warrior DPM comparisons post-Advance of the Union Okay so I did some number crunching for the 5 warriors (Not counting Dawn Warriors so sorry to any Dawn Warriors) although the Demon Slayer one is not accurate at all. It is just what Demon Impact would be if it could be spammed since I had trouble figuring out how often they would have to resort to recharging Demon Force. It still serves good enough since it demonstrates where they stand in DPM comparison anyway. Okay so some notes on what I did and did not do for these comparisons: 1) I didn't count the Demon Slayer's 10% boss damage skill since it is a linked skill and therefore any character could have it. 2) I also only did DPM% ignoring any extra attack from skills (although I did comp

General Warrior

Warrior DPM comparisons post-Advance of the Union Okay so I did some number crunching for the 5 warriors (Not counting Dawn Warriors so sorry to any Dawn Warriors) although the Demon Slayer one is not accurate at all. It is just what Demon Impact would be if it could be spammed since I had trouble figuring out how often they would have to resort to recharging Demon Force. It still serves good enough since it demonstrates where they stand in DPM comparison anyway. Okay so some notes on what I did and did not do for these comparisons: 1) I didn't count the Demon Slayer's 10% boss damage skill since it is a linked skill and therefore any character could have it. 2) I also only did DPM% ignoring any extra attack from skills (although I did comp