CycloneShad #Thief Talk

General Thief

Worth moving back to a Shadower? A while back nexon gave us prot scrolls and safeties for hot time, and I made myself a 179 attack fearless katara (61+118). It has 8 enhancements, 3line unique with 20% boss on one line. There also is a 25% boss neb.on it. Now I used to be a Shadower, and im thinking of going back to Shadowerhood. I will have 12b+ the money from selling the katara for a new dkhanj. I know shad's are a little higher on the dpm charts than dualblades. but its also very nice downing livyathan in commerci in 6 seconds with te dualblade actives. Overall, at the end of the day I would like to see an increase in damage, but I just want to ask you people experienced in this field if it would be worth converting back to shadowerhood