

CynicBound #Chat Talk

General Chat

Phone Decision Help I'm getting a phone, it's one of the lower quality phones because I'm not getting data. Anyways I have a choice of Sony Experia Play and LG Optimus L7, both will be free and both are around the same quality. There are comparison sites like these: [url=]One comparison site.[/url] [url=]Second comparison site.[/url] [url=]Third comparison site.[/url] It would be better if anyone has these kind of phones, can anyone tell me which one would me better for me to choose? By the way, the Experia Play is Android 2.3 Gingerbread and

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Book 2 Book 3 and Book 4 Confirmed According to one of the creators blogs there is going to be a Book 3 and Book 4 for Legend of Korra because of how popular it was so Nick wanted more. Your thoughts? [url=]Source[/url] [header]Before You Jump to Conclusions[/header] [quote=bryankonietzko]Then, the network wanted even more Korra, so they picked up another order of 26 episodes. Mike and I wanted to stick with the shorter "books," so creatively we are splitting the second order of 26 into Books 3 & 4, 13 episodes each. [/quote] If the story is ruined by to many episodes blame don't blame the creators 100% but everyone has their own opi

General Chat

What Was Growing Up In The 90s like? How was it different from our generation today? Did 13 year olds have cell phones, what did people do after school, were video games popular, how was school different, what was as popular as memes? Some questions that I hope you guys could answer and hopefully you could add more, I'm only 13 born in 1998 so most of my childhood was in the 2000's, so I'm interested. Also 1 more thing, would you rather be living in the 90's or whatever decade you grew up in, or this generation?