

DRCharlie #Jett Talk

General Jett

Jett attack range Hello guys, I'd like to boost the damage of my Jett, any idea how can I do that? I ALWAYS use buffs, my range is: 5k-7.6k What kind of items should I get to increase my range, any specifics? My current items(Not listing temporary ones, they give +7 atk in total): Jett's Special Hat: STR+10, Dex+10 Int+10, Luk+10, MaxHP 100, MaxMP 100, int+4%, weapon def +2X ; STR+5, Dex+5, Int+5, Luk+5, W.Atk +5, Accuracy +100 Maple BigWig Medal: STR+7, Dex+7, Int+7, Luk+7 Evolving ring 2 lvl 17: STR+7, Dex+7, Int+7, W.ATK+5 Evolving ring 3 lvl 10: STR+10, Dex+10, Luk+10, W.ATK+10 Evolving ring 1 lvl 17: STR+7, Dex+7, Int+7, Luk+7, W.ATK +5, Accuracy +5, Avoidability +5, Dilligence +5 Gold Drop Earrings(+2, 0 upgrades avaliable): STR+2, De

General Jett

A few questions. So hey guys, I'm back again with another ,,stupid" question of mine, I have like 15% dex and +60 STR items, is it okay to replace them with full shark tooth set, is it better? I'm going for a mobbing / bossing character at the same time so +45 ATK, +20 to all stats and +30% boss DMG will be good for me I guess, what is your opinion, keep %Dex I currently have or switch Shark Tooth[maybe with a few %dex equipments]? Next question: Will I ever have like 100k / hit damage with my BaM? I am level 112 and I hit like 10-18k with 1 line of my attack ( 5 hits[,,lines"] with one attack, each is like 10-18k ). If not then I can't really train at LHC / I can't really go bossing, where should I train?