

DSLights #Chat Talk

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Persuasive Essay Help! So today I have to outline a persuasive essay for English class, and I need some help I'm looking for a good topic, something synonymous to these: Chernobyl Disaster Disasters in general -with someone to blame of course- Conspiracies (Like 9/11, Watergate, etc.) TSA violating the amendments. (LULZ.) Mason/Illuminati conspiracies? Any other suggestions? Remember: I must be able to get five full pages & and outline done by tomorrow (Outline tomorrow, essay is due next week) So overall: I'm really just looking for a good topic. And maybe some of you could link me to some good articles to read up on whatever you suggest or something I listed?

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LF> Skateboarders Help My younger brother(15) wants to loose weight, I suggested skateboarding (It's possible, a few irl friends from highschool are...chubby and good at it.) Because I know all that jumping has to be healthy. Anyways, he's been skating somewhat on and off for a year and he comes to me with trouble kickflipping. Me having no clue how to help, I told him to make a video with the family camera and give it to me. Ignore the talking in the background. Or atleast try to. Someone was on the phone. +Yes we're black. SO? +Yes he's on carpet. I don't know why. He says he likes to learn on the carpet then go outside. I was skeptical until he actually ollied down a 3-set. Personally as a non-skater, I thought that skating on the car