

DSdavidDS #Fun Talk

General Fun

Which element would you control? A question for all you maplers out there. [h=info]Which Element would you control?[/h] I would make a poll but there are not enough Poll options so please choose a element from the following and tell us "why"?: [*]Fire [*]Water [*]Earth [*]Air/Wind [*]Darkness [*]Light [*]Electric/Lightning [*]Holy [*]Poison [*]Ice [*](Suggest your own) I found this really good picture online. Check it out :) [link]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_W1ueYt1O3xs/R1PutEKztCI/AAAAAAAACuo/jReqHcZhz5c/s1600-R/Elemental_Evolution_by_bdotward.jpg[/link] I will go first. I like Air because it makes me feel free and alive. (Ice/Water are NOT the same)