

Dante0816 #Regions Talk

General Regions

Warriors Level 1-30 Hello to all those who are eagerly waiting for BB (Big Bang). I thought I would make this thread to help inform or better inform some of those who want to create a warrior of some sort after Big Bang. I was invited to Tespia to test it and will leave my experience here. This is for warriors lvl 1-30 (swordsman). In the beginning you will create a warrior the same as always and start on Maple Island. You can then level up and move on to Victoria Island. Once here at level 10 you can go to Dances with Balrog and become a swordsman at level 10. As far as ap distribution I went pure str or dexless as many call it and reached level 30. Skill wise there are 4 skills being Power Strike, Slash Blast, Iron Body, and HP Boost. Yay