

DarkRecon #Updates Talk

General Updates

Text is hard to see On one of my computers, whever there's a white background and black text, the left side of each letter fades into the background. I've checked everything and it seems that it only occurs with NPC chat and the quest log. Whenever something is highlighted in a different color though, there's no problem at all, it only occurs with black text on a white background. I've tried adjusting the RGB, brightness and contrast on my monitor but nothing seems to be working. Any help?

General Updates

Maplestory folder transfer I need to temporarily use another computer for a couple days and during that time, the new hot time event is taking place and I want to get the headgear for my DS. However, this new computer is painfully slow and it takes forever to download and install new files. To combat this, I was wondering if I could copy the folder all the MS files are in on my current computer, paste it in a external hard drive, plug the hard drive into the temporary computer and play MS through the hard drive. I realize I'll probably need to use the game launcher but that's only a minor thing compared to what I want to do. So for all you computer-savvy basilers out there, do you think this arrangement will work?