Darkmadness #General Talk


lucky cube on unfunded charsell? So I'm at about 160k clean on my db, and cubed my dagger 4 times from epic to get leg 21%att 9%crit rate. It is fully 70% traced and 11 star(no pic atm) faf Damascus. The thing is that since I don't have much damage it really doesn't help me as much as it should, so I'm thinking I might be better off psoking and trying to sell for other equips. How much would I get for it/should I sell? Other gear- cra, tyrant cloak, reinf gollux (no ring), purple senior gloves and shoes, royal black shoulder, faf Kat, SW glasses and tat, boss arena medal, Crystal Venus badge. I also only have 55% ied and 90 boss, so I could get a new weapon with that. I have 2b cash I am also considering switching to nl so this would be a g