Darkness129 #Anime Talk

General Anime

Nostalgic Anime Op/ed A few that really bring me back to the good times. [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azh99wUUEUk]Inuyasha ED 2[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlkj_FVL0so]Eureka 7 OP 2[/url] I watched these in Spanish: [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgiJ9bflyYE]Digimon Tamers OP[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDgWqoAhUkw]Saint Seiya OP 1[/url] I know there are more, but I can't think of them at the top of my head at the moment. What about you guys?

General Anime

Do you think Anime will ever be popular in the West? I think that it won't be anytime soon. Anime needs to break out of the misconception that animation is "too childish" here in the west. I think that the only way to get it to be mainstream is to air/advertise "mature" anime. I think Fate Zero would fit this criteria. Even something like Shingeki no Kyojin wouldn't be that bad. Not to mention that anime is really weird and it's filled with ecchi crap. What do you think? Do you even want it to be popular?

General Anime

What do you dislike about the anime fandom? This isn't a flame thread o3o There are 3 things that really annoy me. 1. When people only watch 'mainstream' anime and call it the best and defend it as if it is their own baby. A good example would be SAO, Titan, or any of the big shonen titles. It irritates me to no end having to listen to the constant praising of kids who have seen <15 titles. 2. When people claim that they are huge anime fans despite only have seen <10 shows. A good example of this is a girl in my school who has only seen Naruto, Ouran, and Haruhi yet she claims there are no good shows out there. Or the 'tards' who only watch the big three. It's like, no, stop watching these pleb shows and then we can have a real conver

General Anime

Why is Sailor Moon so popular? I don't get it. From what I gathered from watching a couple of episodes here and there, it's just an average magical girl show. I would understand if it was the first of it's kind but it's not. It's gotten to the point of being on Youtube's homepage when the first trailer came out. Or right now with this in it's homepage. Some say it's nostalgia. But because it reminds them of the old times, it gets hyped up beyond reasoning, or gets rated too high for what it really is. Now, I'm a victim of this too. I got introduced to anime through Shonen. I know at some point in my life, I've said that Naruto or Bleach were the best anime ever. But it's the universal rule that popularity does not dictate quality. Another e