

DauSan #Battlemage Talk

General Battlemage

I cannot pick, any advice? Hey guys, I just cannot pick between the two. So please give me your advice on which to buy. I hit 165 on my BaM and I'm in need of a new staff, I figured I'd go with an ele staff since I'm in the progress of getting tyrant equips so a full empress set wouldn't really do much. Therefore I'm sticking with an ele staff, I've seen two in FM that caught my attention and which I'd like to possibly buy. My budget is [b]35b[/b]. I'm thinking about spending 12b on a perfect VIP shield, unique. So that'll leave me around 23bish. Staff 1: [b]Elemental staff 6[/b]: 262 magic attack, 32 int, 8 enhances. [b]Potential:[/b] 40%boss 30% ignore 6% all stat. No neb. No bonus pot. [b]Price:[/b] 8b. Staff 2: [b]Elemental staff 8[/b]: