

DauSan #Mage Talk

General Mage

A hard time picking. Ugh. For the past days, I've been thinking what class I should make. After playing all thief classes and getting them to 200, I'm certain I want to play a mage class. However.. I just cannot decide between BaM and Evan. I like both play styles so I'll make my final decision based on the required funding to be decent. Considering I've sold most of my %Luk for $ I do not have much left. 10-15b at the most. Also I do already have a elemantal staff 7? I think, the blue one, which is 37 int 253 magic attack with 30% boss and 15% ignore- 6%int which I plan on using IF I decide to make a BaM. If not, I'll most likely sell it and trade it for an empress staff/ fire element staff. Now my question for you guys, which class would