

DavidLe #Shadower Talk

General Shadower

DB>Shadower After Chaos really? xdyingforyou bera lv 151 shad Ok all this hype about db getting buff after chaos so i wonder if this buff going to make DB stronger than a shadower I have 139 db which i quited and transfer everything over to my shad its clear that my Db had a higher range 24k clean compare to my shadower at the time only 19k range clean soo i went on my Db n went around killing Big Foot and LHC for a bit OMG DB killl soo much slower compare to my shad So yea i think Db wont overpower Shad after Chaos,but more likely to be buff enough just to be on equal ground with a shad This is just my own opinion What do you think will happen and will you jump on the Db bandwagon?

General Shadower

Should i or should i not ? timelesss pescas xdyingforyou bera lv 148 shad ok i got a timeless 118att clean max lv 3line unqiue 9%att 6%total damage n ignore 15% att junk i just spend 1.2b on ws n failed all 6x i just realize its way to costly n time consuming to perfect scroll it Should i just perfect scroll it with 60% scroll i can do that no problem n like right away too wont take months the different will be a 136att with 60% n the impossible for me anyways im not patient... 163att if i do the 10% what should i do? if seem so much smarter to do the 10% thing with a dagger you can sell i think it will cost me over 10-15b just to make if im lucky n that will take forever to me or should i just go for the other which will cost no more than