

Davyn #General Talk


Did not open Mondays Box. Still good for Sunday? "If you obtain a Gift Box every day from Monday to Saturday, then on Sunday--in addition to Sunday's reward--you can select another gift!" If anyone has had experience with not opening the box they got last week, did it still let you get the second reward on Sunday? I didn't realize I didn't open the box because of lack of Use spaces for the 5 Exp coupons until I logged back in yesterday to get the Tuesday box and my chat showed that the Monday reward box expired.


Is Zakum glitched for anyone else? I attempted to fight Zakum with a friend earlier and after the first one, I passed the leadership to her. Adobis inside asked us to delete the expedition and reform it. This has never happened before. Does this mean we have to reform the expedition to go the second time of the day to fight him? We've tried both leading on two different channels and it's the same message. Was this a new feature implemented? Another friend of mine also got it earlier today when he went to solo.


Pink Bean Glitch I have encountered this while fighting Pink Bean half a dozen times over the past few months: Upon attacking the bird statue, whether it has DR active or not, I lose all ability to attack or heal. I can still be damage and certainly die, but I can not protect myself. I also can not respawn back at Three-Doors without shutting down the client as the OK button in the prompt does not work. Has anyone else experienced this? I've been trying to get my Pink Bean codex card since I finally have the range to solo it and it seems the game doesn't want that to happen. :/


Join us in Basilmarket Irc [url=http://webchat.quakenet.org/?channels=basilmarket&uio=d4]Please use your Basilmarket ID for your nickname.[/url] On the behalf of "Basilmarket" guilds of Scania, Bera, Broa, Khaini and few other worlds, we would like to invite you to the Basilmarket IRC. In the chat, we mostly discuss about Maplestory, host item/NX giveaways and do boss-runs with new and old players. Feel free to join the chat and question LightinEnemy for further details.


Failed scrolls and Innocence scrolls I have never used one, so I'm going to assume here that Innocence scrolls reset all stats as well as slot count on an item. Assuming this is true and I'm not mistaken, how many failed scrolls should I let go before using a 100% Innocence scroll (the one from today's hot day)? [url=http://i.imgur.com/0OrCe0U.png]This is the current state of my claw that I wish to 50% with the Unleashed Shop scrolls.[/url] It started off as +3 above average (72 attack) and I passed one scroll while failing two. Should I go for clean slate scrolls on it while continuing to attempt to pass scrolls on it a few more times or should I simply use my Innocence scroll and start again? As a side note, do Innocence scrolls reset the


Tots Level Up button So I've used Tot's to jumpstart my way to 61 on about 8 characters now and I have never had a problem with utilizing the free level ups upon completing the recommended quests and reading/completing the know-how's to get the button to appear. I currently have it visible on my Demon Avenger, however when I press it I simply get [url=http://i.imgur.com/qsJ9NmP.png]the message at the top.[/url] The button does not register a level up nor does it disappear. It even [url=http://i.imgur.com/XzjCy9l.png]overlaps the replay tab[/url] which it never did before. Has anyone else been experiencing trouble with the free level ups?