

DayServant #General Talk


Scrolling: Go big or Go home. Well I just wanted to share some win's and fails I've had throughout this past week. First I'll start off with the Maple Pyrope Claw. I have a Sin and currently it's doing well but I know I will need a weapon soon since the lvl 3X claw with 37 ATK will need to be replaced by level 70-80. SO as you know I decided to farm some maple weps and trade them in for some maple pyrope claw's and pinks. I did some research (mind-work lol) and found that if the scroll has a 20% chance in theory I'll need 5 calws and pink's for one to work. Well this is what happened. 1st Maple Pyrope claw > Boom 2nd Maple Pyrope claw > Boom 3rd Maple Pyrope claw > Boom 4th Maple Pyrope claw > Boom so as I was placing the final


Who should I transfer? So I started off in Broa and later on I moved to Arcania and now I've ended up in Khaini. If I xfer a character from Broa I can get a EVO I ring and a few collectables but if I xfer the one from Arcania I'll get a few Adv pot scrolls a Chaos Scroll and a EVO II ring. The thing is, in Khaini I forgot to do the last day thing for the EVO III ring so it's stuck on my DS. Should I xfer the one from broa and sell the ring to get an EVO III? Or should I xfer the one from Arcania and sell a EVO II and save up for an EVO III?

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