

DayServant #Thief Talk

General Thief

Thieves! I need your help! Okay I'm sure there are more people like me so we are trieing to keep our DEX really low (Mine is at 50 at base) And I'd think it'd be very handy if someone can make a newby guide on how to get very cheap DEX and I don't mean "bro get a zhelm" cause those aint cheap. The best I can figure out is scrolling the Overall lady syls gives the DB's with Overall DEX 100% but then I noticed scrolling a top and bottom would be more beneficial (even though the scrolls haven't come out yet) So are they're any other easy/noob ways to get more DEX D: NOTE: I am really unfunded the highest I ever got to was like 26~30m but that was in broa I'm in arcania so now I'm really unfunded.

General Thief

Introducing the Maioc [b]Introduction[/b] Hello! This is my first guide on Basilmarket and my first publicly written application! I will be continuing this project for the community, I hope you guys will enjoy this! [b]About MAIOC[/b] MAIOC stands for Maplestory's-All-In-One-Calculator, yeah..I know. Very original and unique! I want to let you guys know that I [b]will[/b] consider request, meaning I will most likely (if possible) add calculators that you guys suggest! I'm currently working on a few more, but it's always nice for a variety of tools for everyone to use. [b]Notes[/b] Please point out any grammar mistakes in both the applet and the guide! I want them both to be shiny! ♥ [b]Calculators[/b] At the current time the MAIO