

Deadly1337 #Mage Talk

General Mage

phantom thief skills Really? phantom thief legend gets this skill "Luck of the Phantom Thief - Active Effect: Instead of dying, the buff is consumed [300 MP is used]. Passive Effect: Permanently increase your LUK [+60 LUK]" so now theres no use to a bishop or evan if someone on a thief legend has decent adv bless and the phantom luck skill.... uggh. the class is stupid, but their skills.. OH MY GOD? he gets shadow shifter 30 @ first job. a +90luk icnrease at 3rd job. they also have a skill to become invincible...power guard, a 40% damage reduction buff... aswell as a 30% damage increase/30% def ignore buff.... HONESTLY? what ever happened to having unique classes with class-specific skills.