Decimeter13 #Shadower Talk

General Shadower

Increasing my damage? Hey fellow shad buddies! Right now I'm level 157 with a 14k range self buffed. I'm wearing (utter garbage) empress thief hat, glove, boots and overall; thief heliseum cape, AB ring, Legendary Ring, Evo ring 1 lvl 17, epinae's ring, 6% luk earring, 3% luk shoulder, perm white dojo belt ETC ETC ITS ALL GARBAGE BASICALLY aaaaand a 111 attack clean reverse pesca I have about 500m to spend on increasing my range. I have an emp thief cape so I'm thinking an emp thief dagger would be good because I would be at 30 attack, or get a loveless pesca and try my luck What would anyone recommend to increase my horrific damage range? What would be about the empress thief dagger I should get in Broa for around 300m?