

DirtMcGirt #Xbox Talk

General Xbox

thanks alot fable 2 for xbox360 So I borrowed my brother-in-laws xbox360 2 weeks ago. The last console I've owned was a PS1 so this was my very first foray into any of this next gen console business. Bought a used version of Batman Arkyum Asylum, beat it, absolutely amazing game. Bought a used version of Dead Space, beat it, absolutely amazing game. Bought Dead Rising, Skate 3 and Lost Planet and have been playing them in little bits between the longer games. Then I bought Fable 2 on Thursday and on my second day, maybe 4th hour playing it the xbox craps it's pants and give me this red ring of death and an e74 problem. Dope. I waited like 10 years before trying this new tech and now I'm probably just gonna go play Chrono Trigger again or so