

Dnisute #Ems Talk

General Ems

Cant do 2nd job advancement? So i just leveled my thief to level 30. But i didn't get a request to do the job advancement. I went to the Dark Lord myself, maybe see if i had to do it that way. If it helps, i didn't do the beginner thief quests. Where you have to kill the monsters. Because: Maybe it's just me but the quest objective says: Dark lord says to slay 20 octopuses. The counter says: 0 / 40 octupuses. And when i kill one, it doesn't add to the counter. :O My question is: What's keeping me from getting the request to do the 2nd job advancement?

General Ems

So What's New here? I am sick of Gms.. no need to tell reasons.. 'cause you ain't caring.. but i decided to start over in EMS.. With 60 mil funding (i KNOW it's not that much) in kradia.. My IGN is: LonelyManCat so add me as a friend if you want! I would like some chatting during my gaming, also a guild would be fun that accepts lower lever players like me (This will be my main and yes.. i will be leveling it faster as i did normally.) Im gonna make a: Mage, Cleric, Priest, Bishop.. but as i asked: What is new here in EMS that i have missed in like.. lets say.. 6 months? What are things i should watch out for like: trade hacks, whisper hacks, a special map/boss "Police", some of the "Famous" scammers. Thank you in advanc