DoctorBeaver #General Talk


Mini Maple Riddles Vauge, tiny riddles for your enjoyment. I'll come up with better ones latter. Hint: NPCs Edit: There are two different Riddles, Please specify which one you are trying to answer. Riddle 1: Look into the perfect shape Images that make you quake I have pow’r none understand But use it e’er for your hand A color change as seasons go A mystery none shall know Correct answer: Cassandra --------------------------------- Riddle 2: What you call me I am not. What use am I? Not a lot. Seasons come Seasons go My last purpose? Long ago. Hint:Basket Correct answer: Cody


MS Riddle 3. This is quite amusing. Once upon a time I sat all alone Surrounded by the darkness I found my rocky home. Perhaps, you say, I'm out of place. But friends, I've found Though not my race. I was visited by young and old. Though for some, the quest was bold. I became a celebrity, But now I've nothing left I was with the superstitious, They found my coils quite auspicious. Some of you will have no Idea what I am talking about, even if I told you the answer. That just means you haven't been around long enough. was the first to get it right. However, I would like to mention this guy for his interpretation. [quote=DaPatcho]It's Bob the snail: "Once upon a time I sat all alone Surrounded by the darkness I found my rocky home."

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