

Doutei #Art Talk

General Art

2 Comments with most or least likes get a free doodle Your single comment with most likes = free boobefied doodle like my last patients. The other with least likes also = a free plastic doodle too. Man or flat-woman. No worries, You'll get the chest of ur dreams. Multiple comments are allowed. You must [b]quote the person/(s) comment before you[/b] into your comment, makes it more entertaining. [url=]ex001[/url] //started 16 12//end./

General Art

CommenTER with least total likes gets free doodle Yep, the [i][b]'CommenTER'[/b][/i] with the least amount of totaled likes gets a free boo-beh-fied doodle of their current basilAvi. [b]Multiple comments will be counted together.[/b] To reduce the amount of pages to SS. e.g. 3 comments by one person with 3 likes each = 9 likes total for that person examples of my work: [url=]001[/url] [url=]002[/url] //started 2255//. //as of 0333 too many dupicates//

General Art

Free Sketch for theee most Fashionable Basil Avatar Yes, a free image for thee most fashionable [b]'basil avatar'[/b] you've got uploaded on your account. As in what you are[b]currently wearing[/b], not about yah face, nor skin color, nor hair style. I'm only checkin the comment's avatar, too lazy to click cute virus links. Therefore: -None of that outsource link to a character you created using BS. -tough luck on the rankings if they don't update asap. -if someone stole your avatar, report it and get it back if you have to. -trolls go make a thread for yourself. But yes, you'll get a simple small illustration, lined and/or colored from little ol' me. It's only for 1-2 person though. [b]If you actually read this far, please do explain why y

General Art

Win a Free drawing for answering and commenting Correctly Here is the comment condition: [b][1][/b]Answer all the following questions in a comment below. The one that convinces me for a drawing, will automatically receive my blessings and i shall bestow them a drawing. [b][2][/b]The comment must contain a [b]Minimum of 500 words [/b] (if i copy paste it into msword it should be close to a page long| give or take) -->skip a line after answering each answered question in a paragraph. [b][3][/b]Explain [b]ALL[/b] of the following: Have you ever been drawn before? (answer accordingly| a or b that applies to you) a)->If not, why do want a drawing? b)->If so, why should i even bother drawing you at all? Why do [b]you[/b] deserve to be dr