

DrChi #Shade Talk

General Shade

Shade Life Is shade life fun? I was just about to main my Jett cuz I realized that all my perm NX from explorers (Which is the only thing I play) is transferable BUT I hate being so squishy. I originally played and MM then a NL (NLs too expensive for me to main) but I'm looking for something with a bit more flashy umf. I was thinking of maybe buying a few things for my shade (in the CS, like a pet of whatever) and I was wondering if you guys enjoy it for the long run! I'm looking for a cheap, tanky, fast, mobile class which decent range considering I only really play ranged characters. I'll probably start buy putting about 1bil into him right of the bat before I decide if I want to hardcore main him. Shade life, my life? EDIT: PS I've tried